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Get Younger Looking Eyes with Blepharoplasty

Do you look tired in the morning, even after a good night’s rest? Does that tired look persist throughout the day because of sagging, drooping eyelids? Do these saggy eyelids make you look older than you feel?

Eyes are often said to be the focal point of the face, as they emphasize your smile and are the first thing people notice. Having sagging eyelids and a tired look can take away from that attractiveness.

Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, is a common procedure used to help patients regain a more youthful appearance. It can be performed on either the upper or lower eyelids, or both. It can also be performed in conjunction with an eyebrow lift or even a facelift.

During the eyelid lift procedure, which is minimally invasive, fatty deposits that cause the puffiness around the lids are removed. Additionally, sagging or loose skin that creates folds, wrinkles and other unattractive contours and lines will be removed or tightened.

The Blepharoplasty Procedure

The blepharoplasty procedure is generally done with a local anesthetic. Incisions are made in the crease of the upper lid and below the lashes in the lower lids. The placement of the incision is important to hide scarring. A small crescent of fat and excess skin is then removed from the upper and lower lids. More tissues can be removed from the outer upper corners to provide improvement where wrinkling is more predominant.

If undergoing an accompanying brow lift, small incisions will be made in the scalp so the skin can be tightened to lift the brow. The incisions will be closed with tiny sutures.

After the Procedure

After the procedure is complete, the patient will be instructed to use cold compresses to reduce swelling or bruising. Any pain from the procedure will generally be mild and can be alleviated with pain relievers.

During recovery, the eye area will be swollen and red; however, this should subside significantly in just a few days. Most patients have very little bruising, although in some cases the bruising can look like you have a “black eye”. The full results can be seen within just a few weeks; however, it can take up to a year for the incisions to fully fade. Once healed the eyes will look refreshed and appear more youthful.